Join us for an afternoon of fun activities to connect to land and nature, foundational for lifelong connection and commitment to the Earth. Activities will be geared toward children ages 4-12, though children of all ages are welcome along with their caregivers.
Registration is REQUIRED.
2025 events will be posted as they are scheduled
Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about family days. Since we receive a high volume of individual emails, kindly check this list for your question before emailing us.
Who should attend?
Family days are geared towards families with children ages 4-12, though children of all ages are welcome along with their caregivers.
**All children must be accompanied by a guardian or caregiver throughout the day. Please do not leave your children unaccompanied.**
How do I register?
Registration is completed in Eventbrite and will take approximately 5 minutes. Please use the link above to register.
**Please register each member of your group individually to ensure the liability waiver is completed. Thank you.**
Will lunch be provided?
Snacks will be nut free. If you child has severe allergies or other dietary restrictions, please pack and bring your own snacks.
What language will the program be facilitated in?
What paperwork am I required to complete before attending.
All attendees are required to complete the liability waiver in Eventbrite.
Eventbrite says tickets are sold out, what should I do?
Registration is offered on a first come, first serve basis. If tickets are sold out, you can “join the waitlist” on Eventbrite. Tickets will be made available if cancellations occur.
What clothing and supplies should I bring?
Bring a reusable water bottle. Closed toed shoes are required. If you have safety goggles, feel free to bring them. Tools and safety equipment will be provided.
What should I NOT bring?
Please do not bring disposable water bottles. No animals are permitted on the farm except qualified service animals under the ADA. If you are bringing a service animal, please let us know by emailing at least 5 business days before the scheduled event. In your email, please include the type of animal and the work or task the animal has been trained to do. Service animals must be kept on leash, under control, and away from crops and livestock at all times. Pets and emotional support animals are not permitted on the farm.
Can I arrive early or stay later?
Please explicitly ask by emailing before coming early or staying late. Since our home and workspace are so intertwined, we have to put intention into carving out work time and family time.
How do I get there and where do I park?
You can find detailed directions on our website here, Please take care not to turn around in any neighbor’s driveways or speed. Park far over to the right along the driveway or in the parking lot and do not block anyone in. While Uber and Lyft are available to the farm, they DO NOT provide service from the farm. Please ensure you have a ride from the farm that is not an Uber or Lyft.
Can I stay over?
We are unable to provide accommodations at this time. For those traveling from far away, please consider this list of local accommodations.