- radishes (1 bunch) – excellent as a vinegar pickle with pickling mix
- turnips with greens (1 bunch)
- cilantro (1 bunch)
- rainbow or ruby red chard (1 bunch)
- pac choi or tatsoi
- baby collard greens, lacinato kale or tatsoi
- braising mix (3/8 pound) – very spicy if eaten raw. great if lightly sauteed or used in the pesto recipe below
- garlic scapes (1/4 pound)
- dozen eggs or sprout mix (brown lentil, mung bean, french lentil, zesty mustard mix)
- Please RETURN YOUR BOXES and clean egg cartons. You can leave them where you get your share and we will retrieve them each week. Try not to rip the boxes when breaking them down. Better to keep them assembled. Thanks!
- We are looking for a delivery vehicle. If you have any leads on something efficient, in decent shape, and affordable, please let us know!
- If you are a shareholder, you can volunteer 5 hours over the course of the season in exchange for an additional week of food in the fall.
- Pasture raised poultry for mid summer and fall is available for pre-sale here.
- Remember that you are always welcome to visit socially and/or to volunteer. Give a call to schedule a time.
- All of our newsletters are archived on our website, along with lots more, including educational resources and recipes.
- Like us on Facebook. There are larger picture albums there, and more being added each week.
- Summer Solstice Party is less than 2 weeks away! June 29. 7pm. Dancing, trapeze, fire, food.

Food Justice News
I am attaching an article Leah wrote about the farm for the latest Whole Thinking Journal on page 21. Sorry, I couldn’t figure out how to put it inline here. Leah talks about why we do what we do here at Soul Fire, in addition to being delightful to read.
Recipe – Greens Pesto
Pesto comes in so many forms. So much more than just basil. This time of year we love making pesto with the abundant greens and garlic scapes. I would recommend using the braising greens in your share this week. This recipe can also be found at the cookbooksection of our website, which is organized by season.
- big handful of uncooked tender greens (kale, collards, braising mix)
- 2-4 cloves garlic or 1 cup chopped garlic scapes
- 1/4 cup nuts or seeds (sunflower, almonds)
- 2/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil
- Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
Combine the greens, garlic, and nuts in a food processor and pulse until coarsely chopped. Add 1/2 cup of the oil and process until fully incorporated and smooth. Season with salt and pepper.
If using immediately, add all the remaining oil and pulse until smooth. Transfer the pesto to a large serving bowl.
If freezing, transfer to an air-tight container and drizzle remaining oil over the top. Freeze for up to 3 months.
Recipe – Quick Radish Pickles
- bunch of radishes thinly sliced
- 2-3 cups white vinegar
- 1/4 tsp cinamon
- 1/2 tsp mustard seeds
- 3-4 whole cloves
- 1/4 tsp allspice
- 1-2 bay leaves
- 1 tsp ginger
Thinly slice radishes and stuff into heat-safe glass jar. Add spices to vinegar and boil for 5 minutes. Pour vinegar-spice mix over radishes in jar. Top off with additional vinegar if needed. Seal jar. Eat immediately or store in fridge. They will keep for months.
Farm News
Its only been a few days since I last wrote about the farm. So I will keep this short and sweet. We seem to be enjoying a respite from this wet weather. Yesterday’s harvest was under a soft cloud cover that occasionally enveloped us so tight we could not see further than a few hundred feet. Moments we all stood in silence, taking deep breaths of the cool, wet air. Under today’s sun, ts almost as if you can hear the plants taking a deep breath of relief. During this cold and wet spring, I’ve occasionally been heard saying, “I know I’m a good farmer, but geez give me a break!” a statement reminding myself that this is not normal. It has been downright challenging to grow food. The more we hear from other farmers, the more we hear others sharing similar sentiment. Dear friend and farm mentor, Julie Rawson of Many hands Organic Farm, suggested, “Maybe we should seriously be looking at perennial polycultures instead of annual vegetables.” Fields deeply rooted fruits, nuts, and perennial vegetables sounds good right about now. Despite allmmy talk about the weather, we are still in pretty good shape for the season, and continue to work towards building our soils towards robust biological systems that nourish us to their full potential.
In other news, Leah and I are excited to be performing together for the first time. Our hip hop dance class is performing saturday night at the Arts Cetner of the Capital Region. Emet will be dancing too! We not only love to creativly express ourselves through dance and movement, but feel strongly that this is a central to what feeds through us into the work we do as farmers and community activists. Love in the food can only be as deep as the love in the hands that created it. So we pass it on to you!