By Leah Penniman
- Contents of Share
- Announcements
- Recipe – 3 Ways to Use Peas
- Farm News

Sugar snap peas (~7/8 pound) – Eat raw or lightly stir fry
Shell peas (~1/2 pound) – These have a tougher shell than snap peas that you don’t eat. Open up to reveal the peas inside and eat raw or cooked.
Lettuce (1-3 heads) – We recommend soaking in cold water for 10 minutes to reduce any bitterness.
Parsley (1 bunch)
Red Russian or Russian Frills Kale (1 bunch)
Scallions (1 bunch)
Garlic Scapes (1 bunch)
Purple top turnips or Beets with tops (1 bunch)
Optional: mixed lentil sprouts
PASTURE-RAISED CHICKEN. We process our first round of chickens tomorrow, Thursday, June 30. There are some left if you are interested in ordering. They can be picked up on the farm after 3pm or deliveries will be next Wednesday, July 6 when we are on our normal delivery route. You can pay using EBT/SNAP. Signup HERE
We will be offering these delicious whole chickens two more times this season. Chickens are raised on pasture, all natural, young and tender. They are $4.25 per pound. Birds dress out at 4-6 pounds. We will have 50 birds for sale in late June, late July and mid August. Signup HERE.
EGGS and SPROUTS. For those of you who ordered eggs with your shares, we expect them to be available in mid-July.
COMMUNITY DAYS. 8-1 Work and learn together. 1-2:30 Potluck lunch. July 17, September 24, October 22, and November 12. RSVP here.
You do not need to return your bags. When we switch to boxes, please RETURN YOUR BOXES. You can leave them where you get your delivery. If you break them down, please make sure not to tear or bend any of the tabs, or just leave the assembled box for us and we are happy to break it down.
WASHING YOUR VEGGIES. We DO NOT extensively wash veggies before delivering them to you. We will do some washing if there is a lot of dirt on greens and we always rinse root crops. In general, this allows the food to stay fresher longer. It also means you need to wash your veggies before consuming them. For greens: fill a bowl with cold water. Soak greens in water for a minute. Drain water and repeat two more times. Dirt will rinse to the bottom. Bugs should float to the top.

RECIPE – Peas! Peas! Peas!
There are sugar snap peas in your share this week! Here are three easy, delicious ways to enjoy them:
(1) Rinse, place in a bowl on the table, and snack on them raw all day long. Children especially love snap peas.
(2) Lightly coat a pan with olive oil and sautee for 5 minutes. Sprinkle with sea salt and a touch of lemon juice. Delicious as a side dish or to top a salad.
(3) Coat with sesame oil, a touch of salt and sesame seeds. Roast in the oven at 400 degrees for 10-15 minutes until golden brown.
Black and Latinx Farmers Immersion Session 1
“I grew up around a lot of violence. I lost a lot of friends. When there were drive-by shootings, I would get low to the ground and the smell of the earth meant I was safe.” ~current 2016 BLFI participant
Twenty-eight beautiful souls are gathered this week for our first Black and Latinx Farmers Immersion of the 2016 season. From Rhode Island, New York, Boston, Seattle, Florida, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Georgia, Illinois, North Carolina, France, and D.C. – we are community organizers, growers, and healers joined in a common purpose to increase our capacity to feed ourselves and our communities.
With only two days together, we have already created a collective altar to birth our intentions, learned garden planning and herbal medicine, harvested food for 70 families, packed your farm shares, worked on our own healing through improvisational dance and storytelling, and tenderly offered the soil some weeding, greensand nutrients, and mulch. We are working in teams to prepare farm fresh, hot meals for one another and collaboratively cleaning spaces, developing practices in caring for one another and sharing responsibilities.

SOULstice Party
“Vision, enlivened peace, personified grace. Breaking chains and freeing souls. Finally racial activism and environmental activism intermingles, and they’ve always been. You are the future.” ~SOULstice party attendees words of gratitude
The cars that transported our friends and community to the SOULstice party this past weekend lined up for over a mile down Crandall Road. While the sun was still high, elders, babies, families, folks from near and far set up a tent city in the East field, nourished themselves with food from the five vendor tents arranged behind the house, and walked the land with open senses and questions. The children kicked off the first phase of the dinner time dance party on the smooth, temporary dance floor assembled in the downstairs of the barn, with DJ Trumaster on the tables. At dusk, bellies full from tacos, Korean food, and home-cooked delights brought by friends, we migrated to the forest edge for performances. 12-year-old Alicia took the mic as MC and welcomed Leah on aerial silk trapeze, rigged from the branches. Next was Amani Poetess speaking to “putting our faith in humus, calling that profit.” Climbing Poetree with guest dancer Samara Gaev, let us in on some powerful pre-release poetry from their new album. Then, Taina Asili and Gaetano Vaccaro stunned us with an improvisational reggae piece using the words of gratitude written down by party-goers. They got everyone up and dancing and the dancing didn’t stop until pre-dawn. Beatshot Music with a guest appearance from Decora held down the floor all night long, punctuated by Trumaster dancing on stilts with raffia and a whistle. In the morning, we worked together to create an abundant brunch. Relaxed, connected conversations came to life while folks sat on scattered patches of earth. As our guests peeled off to go swimming or head home, the crew worked together to prepare the space for the immersion program starting the next day.