Nothing is more beautiful than the loveliness of the woods before sunrise. Anything will give up its secrets if you love it enough.
George Washington Carver
Sweet Greetings Community
January was a month full of contrasting emotions. The joy sitting side by side with the grief. The righteous rage fuming larger alongside an ocean of collective devotion. In the midst of wildfires, a ceasefire, Leonard Pelletier’s clemency, and an inauguration – here we all stand. Continuing to march forward, hand in hand, with the spirit of revolution binding us to one another.
As the days unfold into a new year, full of possibility and renewed purpose, we hope that this land and community continue to be a hub for emergent solutions and healing. There is no force greater than our collective power. Our mere existence is evidence of this.
May your breath be your anchor.
With love and solidarity,
Briana, Cheryl, Christina, Clara, Crysta, Danielle, Hana’, Hillary, Jonah, Leah, Maya, Naima, Neshima, O’den, Ria, Shay, Susuyu and Winter

Uprooting Racism in the Food System
We all have a significant and intrinsic role to play in uprooting racism in the food system, and the good news is that there are many right answers to the questions, “What can I do to help?” We’ve been deep diving into this question and sharing solidarity strategies far and wide.
Individual and Group tickets are on sale. Click on the links below for more information and to register.
You can also check out our Actions Steps to uproot racism in the food system here.

2025 FIRE Immersion Facilitators – Applications Welcome!
This summer, for the 11th year, a team of passionate and committed farmers will come together with participants from all over the region and country who are seeking to amplify the land-based skills needed to reclaim leadership as growers and food justice organizers in their communities. Soul Fire Farm is accepting applications for guest facilitators for the 2025 FIRE Season.
Immersion 1: June 8 – 13
Immersion 2: July 13 – 18
Immersion 3: September 7 – 12
FIRE (Farming In Relationship to Earth) is designed for aspiring, beginning, and intermediate growers of Black, Indigenous, and Latinx heritage to gain skills in regenerative farming in a culturally relevant, supportive, and joyful environment.
The position involves co-leading a team for each “hands-on-the-land” block and co-facilitating 3-4 workshops or classes, in addition to set up, clean up, and maintenance of the space and tools. A complete list of the responsibilities and commitments are linked here. The compensation is $2,137 plus a $200 travel stipend, 3 meals a day, and tent accommodations.
FIRE Alumni are welcome and encouraged to apply!
If you are interested, apply here by February 19. Thank you!

We hosted two virtual skill share offerings last month and if you missed them, we have the recordings for you here:
Fierce Vulnerability: Healing and Change in a Time of Collapse with Kazu Haga
FOOD FOR THE PEOPLE!: Solidarity Strategies to Decommodify Food Distribution
This month we’re dreaming up and planning the 3D Skill Share series to come. If, like us, you’re exploring what new projects or enterprises are possible on the land and in our communities, we’ve gathered the following resources from our YouTube channel for your inspiration:
Bee Keeping
Pasture Raised Poultry
Natural Dye Plants
Building a Planter
For those ready to get organized, check out recordings from our Crop Planning and Business Planning virtual workshops.

We are so proud of our current fellow, Cheyenne Najee, founder of Kilunuk farm for a recent milestone:
In collaboration with their land mate, Clover of Sweet Girls Pastured Poultry, Kilunuk proposed a project that was selected for the “Regenerate Virginia: Healthy Soils Grant Program” through the American Farm Land Trust and the Virginia Soil Health Coalition.
Over the next two years, Cheyenne will be undertaking a soil health project that will create a native plant seed bank and insectary that they expect will feed the chickens, hold soil in place, create habitat for beneficial insects and create additional economic stability for both farm projects.
We are so excited to see the next phases of this work!

Fire Recovery Resources
We’re pouring an ocean of prayers onto all the displaced and devastated people and beings affected by the wildfires in LA.
We’re continuing to call in protection over the incarcerated firefighters and continuing to urge the return of the land back to indigenous stewardship.
Mutual Aid LA Network (MALAN) is maintaining a list of resources available to those affected by the fires in the Google Sheet below and will update it with new resources or calls for volunteers & donations.
January 2025 Fire & Wind Storm Resource Library

Campus Sharing
From abolition to climate justice, from queer liberation to food sovereignty, our struggles for a world of dignity, empowerment, and sustainability are intertwined. Those of us on the front lines of social and environmental change understand the need to periodically step out of our everyday context to rejuvenate, strategize, and connect. At Soul Fire Farm, we are pleased to offer our campus and farm as a setting for that work, inspiration, and restoration.
Please complete this form with details about your gathering and we will be in touch to further explore whether we can accommodate your request.

- Leah Penniman of Soul Fire Farm in NY on land access, soil health, seed keeping and more! Growing For Market Podcast
- Leah Penniman and Reverend Lennox Yearwood on food, farming, faith, and hip-hop KCRW | Life Examined Podcast
- Farm Report: Live Panel Discussion with Young Farmers Coalition Heritage Radio | The Farm Report

The food system was built on the stolen land and stolen labor of Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian and people of color. Our ecosystem partners, Northeast Farmers of Color Network and National Black Food and Justice Alliance are claiming our sovereignty and calling for reparations of land and resources so that we can grow nourishing food and distribute it in our communities. The specific projects and resource needs of BIPOC land-based projects are listed on Northeast Farmers of Color Network and National Black Food and Justice Alliance’s respective maps linked above. We are so excited about these powerful opportunities for people to people solidarity.

Care Practices Guide by The Latinx Therapists Action Network (LTAN)
This Care Practices Guide aims to support resiliency, mental health, and collective care for people organizing and communities building power and movements together to endure through the most challenging times and long term.
This guide will explore a basic understanding of the intersections of trauma, oppression, and well-being. It is meant to be a resource for mental health education; it includes practices you and your team can collectively engage in or individually with each other and your community.