Welcome to 112 brand new chicks! We have a new flock from McMurray Hatchery, including Rhode Island Reds, Americanas, and a mix of heavy brown egg layers. They are cozy in the brooder under a red lamp and on a…
Breaking New Ground
Jonah tried his hand at plowing today, turning over about 1/4 acre using a borrowed, beat-up, 2-bottom moldboard plow. We are philisophically “no till” folks and have had good success with intesive mulching to establish small areas. For these larger…
Welcome Hens!
A Brooder is Built
The brooder is complete and will serve as the temporary home for our small flock of hens who have been waiting patiently in foster care. Free range, pastured eggs will be available soon, delivered to your doorstep in downtown Albany…
Fall Progress
We have had some excellent work days on the farm this fall. Check out the picture of Rana and Neshima preparing a new box for the honey bees. We also framed out the chick brooder in preparation for 100 day…
Fall 2010 Skillshares
09/06/10 Chicken Coop Building: Join us for a skill share and work day to build a brooder for our chicks. It’s a fun time working out at the farm and we’ll feed you lunch. 10/11/10 Garlic Planting: Join us for…
Introducing Soul Fire Farm
We are intensively managing 6-acres in East Grafton, NY for organic pastured poultry and eggs, heirloom vegetables, and uncommon fruits. Over the next few years we will be expanding our orchard with an integrated diversity of fruits, nuts, herbs, and…