Contents of Share broccoli or cauliflower (2-4 heads) or zucchini (2 pounds) red russian or winterbor kale (1 bunch) easter egg radishes (1 bunch) daikon radish (1-2) salad mix (.8 pounds) buttercup or butternut winter squash (1-3) sweet potatoes (2…
Newsletter #17 – October 9, 2013
Contents of Share tomato mix (2-3)cherry tomatoes or husk cherries (1 bag) – These may not look fantastic, but their flavor is still almost unbelievable hot pepper mix – Thai hot/birdseye, cayenne or Jalapeno (1 bag) broccoli or cauliflower (1-3…
Newsletter #16 – October 2, 2013
Contents of Share tomato mix (~2 pounds) hot pepper mix – Thai hot/birdseye, cayenne or Jalapeno (1 bag) brussel sprouts (3/4+ pound) red chard (1 bunch) collard greens (1 bunch) celery (1 bunch) fennel or chinese cabbage garlic (2-4…
Newsletter #15 – September 25, 3012
Contents of Share heirloom tomato mix (~2 pounds) – pinkish=brandywine, big red=cosmonaut volkov, small red=luci, yellow-orange=jubilee green bell pepper hot pepper mix – Thai hot/birdseye, cayenne or Jalapeno (1 bag) melon (1-2) – Due to the cool summer, these…
Newsletter #14 – September 18, 2013
Conte nts of Share heirloom tomato mix (~3 pounds) – pinkish=brandywine, big red=cosmonaut volkov, small red=luci, yellow-orange=jubilee green bell pepper hot pepper mix – Thai hot/birdseye, cayenne (1 bag) summer squash and/or zucchini (1-2) brussel sprouts (7/8 pounds) beet greens…
Newsletter #13 – September 11, 2013
Contents of Share heirloom tomato mix (5-7 or ~2.5 pounds) – pinkish=brandywine, big red=cosmonaut volkov, small red=luci, yellow-orange=jubilee sungold cherry tomatoes or tomatillos or husk cherries (1 bag) green bell pepper (1 big, 1 medium, 2 small) hot…
Newsletter #12 – September 4, 2013
Contents of Share heirloom tomato mix (5-7) – pinkish=brandywine, big red=cosmonaut volkov, small red=luci, yellow-orange=jubilee sungold cherry tomatoes or tomatillos (3/4 pound bag) green bell pepper (1) hot pepper mix – jalapeno, Thai hot, cayenne (1/2 pound bag) summer squash,…
Newsletter #11 – August 28, 2013
Contents of Share heirloom tomato mix (2-4) sungold cherry tomatoes or tomatillos (3/4 pound bag) green bell pepper (1) hot pepper mix – jalapeno, Thai hot, cayenne (1/2 pound bag) summer squash, patty pan, yellow or green zucchini (1-2) green…
Newsletter #10 – August 21, 2013
Contents of Share sungold cherry tomatoes or tomatillos green bell pepper (1) brocolli bunch, summer squash or zucchini green or yellow string beans (2 pounds) edamame (green soybeans) (~1 pound) – lightly steam and eat the beans out of…
Newsletter #9 – August 14, 2013 Brought to you by Capers, Alicia, and Sade!
Contents of Share 1/2 lb Yellow Beans 1 lb Green Beans 8 Cucumbers : Japanese and/or Marketmore. Might we suggest making pickles?!? 2 heads of Garlic 1 bunch Chard 1 SUPER MASSIVE bunch Red Russian and/or Lacinato Kale 1 large…