“In all things that are purely social we can be as separate as the fingers, yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress.” – Booker T. Washington Greetings Sunbeams, Summer is full on! Between growing and distributing…
June Love Notes: Ripening Strawberries + Breathing Soil
Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.” Coretta Scott King Happy Strawberry Moon! June is the month that the red heart-shaped berries ripen on the farm, a sweet gift of…
May Love Notes: Beyond Heroes + Book Announcement
Now is the season to know that everything you do is sacred.” Hafez Beloved Community, We hope you are feeling alive in your purpose and wholeness, with all that needs our presence and care at this time. May has been budding, bustling…
April Love Notes: Fellowship Launch and Community Power
Happy Earth Day Interdependent Beings! We know our lives are braided together, and all of us are in relationship. We belong to each other. In this Springtime of renewal, may we renew our commitment to seeing and protecting each other. …
March Love Notes: Spring Equinox, Ventilation Systems & Virtual Tours!
It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.” Lena Horne We are beaming you luminous love from Soul Fire, as the maple trees gush with sweet water and the sun radiates more light across…
February Love Notes: Annual Report, Barred Owl & Natural Plasters
“Black Futures Month is about making space for Black people to vision and build the world of our dreams… When we allow ourselves the freedom and permission to follow our radical imagination, the world we need and want takes root.”…
January Love Notes: Transitions, Resilience, and Voles
Remember this in the darkest moments, when the work doesn’t seem worth it, and change seems just out of reach: out of our willingness to push through comes a tremendous power… Use it” Stacey Abrams Beloved Community, 2020 taught us…
Love Notes – Rooted In Resilience
Many of us are trained to believe that resilience means toughing it out, going it alone, and suppressing our fears. In this time of multiple pandemics, we experience true resilience as leaning into interdependence and vulnerability, and connecting to the…
“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” Angela Davis A sunflower we grew. As autumn descends on us, we, like so many others, find ourselves reckoning with the challenges…
“I dare to be powerful. I use my strength in service to my vision.” Audre Lorde From left to right: Cheryl, Justin, Naima, Emet, Laura & Ria, Azuré, Kiani, Jonah, and Leah. In forests, mycelium networks connect trees, transporting sugars,…