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2023 Annual Report

In 2023 our community of land stewards grew to 36,780, all committed to the sacred mission of nurturing and protecting the earth and her peoples. Each of us offered our gifts to this vision of collective liberation, and together, we broaden our impact in irrefutable ways.

We share our 2023 Annual Report with joyful hearts! This visual story is a divine testament to what we were able to accomplish through our partnership with the land and each other. We offer our deep gratitude for your continued support because we couldn’t do this work without you. A pound of honey is made by 2 million flower visits. The following pages illustrate a blossoming year abundant with collective effort, purpose and blessings!

Flip through the graphic storytelling of Soul Fire Farm’s year in our stunning 2023 Annual Report written by Leah Penniman, Cheryl Whilby, Crysta Bloom, Ife Kilimanjaro, and Naima Penniman; designed by Cecily Anderson!

Select the “X with arrows” to view the report in full screen.
You can also download the PDF here.

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